Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Adolf Hitler As A Leader Of The Nazi Germany - 1398 Words

Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Germany party from 1934 to 1945. During his time of leadership, he initiated fascist policies that ultimately led to World War II. What he is most infamous for the horrendous acts he committed against the Jewish people in Germany as well as other groups of people, such as gypsies, the handicapped, homosexuals, and many others. While Hitler is most known for the genocide he committed, he is also recognized by many historians as a powerful and effective leader. He has many abilities that helped him to lead the German people. Although Adolf Hitler was responsible for the death of millions of human, during the time he led Germany, his effective leadership skills made him one of the most powerful leaders†¦show more content†¦The establishment of the ministry was to ensure the Nazi message through different forms of film, radio, books, educational materials, art, music, and the press. The messages that were conveyed over the media were simp le and agreeable and sought to create subconscious action. The use of this effective propaganda helped to spark a hated for a group of people by a whole population. The use of propaganda brainwashed citizen onto thinking that the source of Germany’s problems were the Jews. The use of propaganda had a powerful appeal to the young people of Germany . Adolf Hitler once said in order to encourage young people to young the Hitler Youth, â€Å"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.† Based off the belief of Hitler, the future of Nazi Germany was in the hands of the children. In 1936, Hitler’s youth grew quickly and had over 4 million members. The youth ranged from the ages of 10 to 18 years old and had separate organizations for boys and girls. The boys were prepped for military service while the girls were prepped for motherhood. The goal of Hitler’s youth was to wean out the weak to make Germany look stronger. By 1936, it was mandatory for all boys a nd girls for the ages of ten to seventeen to join the Nazi youth. While the Hitler Youth was not a militaryShow MoreRelatedAdolf Hitler As A Leader Of Nazi Germany1677 Words   |  7 PagesAdolf Hitler once said â€Å"It is more difficult to fight against faith than against knowledge† (â€Å"30 Eye Catching Hitler Quotes.). In a dictatorship there is one ruler who is in charge of everything in the nation in which he/she rules. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn. Hitler also known as Fà ¼hrer; he was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and served as dictator from 1934 to 1945. Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany, he was one of the initial causes which triggeredRead MoreAdolf Hitler As A Leader Of Nazi Germany1640 Words   |  7 Pages Adolf Hitler is known throughout the world as being the leader of Nazi Germany in the early twentieth century, and ultimately the instigator for World War II. 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He was responsible for the Holocaust and for World War II. Who was Adolf Hitler? What motivated him as dictator of Germany? What did he do in the course of his lifetime? Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889. He was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria, of German descent (Hitler). Hitler s father s original name was Schicklgruber but he changed it in 1876 to Hitler (Adolf). Hitler had three sistersRead MoreHitler s Impact On The World War II1636 Words   |  7 Pagesa square, saluting and chanting Hitler s name. World War II has begun and many Germans hope for improvements in the economy. Their leader is Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany in World War II, was a powerful speaker who caused over 5 million deaths in concentration camps. Though Hitler s impact can be felt in modern times, the roots of his atrocious behavior began at childhood—more specifically—high school. 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But was he simply a bad man with a negative impact on the world? Or was he just being an excellent leader? Born in Austria 1889, Hitler was an average young German until his adult life, where he achieved the position as the leader of the Nazi party. As a Nazi, he believed

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