Monday, April 20, 2020

The Firemen of House 24 Essay Example For Students

The Firemen of House 24 Essay The firemen of house 24, a faded, red station known for its heroic endeavors, waited around their dining table playing poker. It had been weeks without a fire and the boredom had started to sink in. all of a suddenThe alarm began to ring; they sprang into action ready to fight. They arrived to a blazing inferno raging at the local mall, set by an arsonist who wanted to see the world burn. Hundreds of innocents trapped inside, the men rushed in to save as many as they could. It was all in vain as the arsonist used an accelerant and the fire burned too fast killing more than 400 including 6 firemen. We will write a custom essay on The Firemen of House 24 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now It became a matter of blood for blood; they swore they would find him and make him pay. Warren was a volunteer firefighter and police officer who served along those the fallen. He took it upon himself to catch this man no matter what the cost. A week passed before there was another fire and this time the firefighters were ready and halted the fire in its tracks. The arsonist hadn’t planned on their fast response and became sloppy leaving behind evidence his can of gasoline and a lighter of his. Warren immediately started a finger print analysis test of them both, but the man was not in the system. Warren planned on catching him in the act instead. The mad man had been waiting and planning for his biggest attack on a gargantuan commercial church on Easter night where over 75, 000 people would be present. Warren began investigation into the lighter and discovered it had been custom made by only one man who makes the lighters. Easter day crept up, and both men were almost ready to complete their plans. Warren finally traced the lighter to a man in his fifties, an old explosives expert, named Mr. Jangles. Easter day arrived and Mr. Jangles hustled into the church to set up while warren searched his apartment because he had gotten a warrant. He found a map of the city in the room with a big x through it; it was the Church Of Life. He figured that’s him knocking over bystanders in his path, when Mr. Jangles noticed this he too began to run. When he ran out of breath, he stopped and pulled out a dead man switch and threatened to blow the place right there. Warren stood there thinking what to do he could be bluffing, but why would he. Warrens only choice was to shoot him where he stood, but the bomb might still go off. He aimed and fired his pistol shooting him in the leg injuring him, but stopping him from pressing the trigger. Then they wrestled for control of the switch only to find himself overwhelmed Mr. Jangles surrendered. He was arrested and taken to prison where he was to serve 3 consecutive life sentences in solitary confinement.

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