Monday, December 30, 2019

A Critical Evaluation of The Issue of Taking an Item from...

The act of stealing items from work can be considered as a crime under criminal statute. The theft act 1968 states that a person is guilty of committing a crime of theft if that person ‘dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving’. In saying that the four main criminological presepectives, which include: classical, positivist, interactionist critical criminology, interpret the act of stealing an item from work differently. Ultimately, the issue of taking items from work is important as the idea of what constitutes stealing from work can be blurry. Throughout this essay comparatives and differences on each perspective will be discussed in terms of human nature, social order, how they†¦show more content†¦Therefore, there is support for the idea that crime is inevitable within society, as it is human nature to have a consistent desire to satisfy individual aspirations, which is outweighed by their individual means (Lawson and Heaton, 1999). Critical criminology is an adaptation of interactionist criminology, however critical criminology focuses on the political aspects. It similarly suggests that individuals engage in meaningful activity, which can be defined as criminal by other outside members (Burke 2009). These outside members are usually those with political status. However, it is definitive on the idea that every individual is responsible for their own actions (Lawson and Heaton 1998). Left realism similarly focus on the determined human nature of the working class as a result of relative deprivation (Young 2002) however, they reject the idea that offenders are victims of society (Jones 2006). Ultimately the focus of left realists is how human nature is affected by the real fear of crime (Burke, 2009). In sum, classical theorists would agree that the act of stealing an item from work is breaking the social contract between society and the government by satisfying the grounds of breaking the law (Lanier and Henry 2010). Classical criminology states that individuals agree to join together to form a society in a social contract,Show MoreRelatedThe Appropriate and Inappropriate Use of Assessments in Instructional Design1368 Words   |  6 Pagesjudgments in relation to assessment. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Incremental Dynamic Analyses Of Steel Moment Resisting...

Incremental Dynamic Analyses of Steel Moment Resisting Frames with Superelastic Viscous Dampers Baikuntha Silwal1, Osman E. Ozbulut1, Robert J. Michael2 1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gannon University, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA ABSTRACT This study aims to evaluate the seismic performance of steel moment resisting frames upgraded with shape memory alloy (SMA)-based self-centering viscous dampers. The superelastic viscous damper (SVD) relies on SMA cables for re-centering capability and employs viscoelastic (VE) damper that consists of two layers of a high damped (HD) blended butyl elastomer compound to augment its energy†¦show more content†¦In another study, Erochko et al. [3] examined the residual drift response of special moment-resisting frames (SMRFs) and buckling-restrained braced frames (BRBFs). It was found that both types of building systems experience significant residual drifts, with values between 0.8-1.5% for the SMRFs and 0.8-2.0% for the BRBFs under design-based excitations. By reducing residual drifts of a structure subjected to a seismic event, structural engineers can maximize post-event functionality, reduce the cost to repair the structures, and increase the public safety. A number of studies have been carried out to develop new structural systems that can provide stable energy dissipation with full re-centering capabilities. Often referred to as self-centering or re-centering, these systems provide a restoring force which is either independent from or acts in addition to energy dissipation capabilities. Christopoulos et al. [4] developed a self-centering energy dissipative bracing system, which combines a friction dissipative mechanism and post-tensioning elements. Experimental tests on the proposed full-scale bracing system were conducted to confirm the repeatable flag-shape hysteretic response. Deierlein et al. [5] proposed a new seismic resisting system that includes controlled rocking, elastic post-tensioning, and

Friday, December 13, 2019

She Never Lies Free Essays

The whole room goes silent. This is what I’ve been waiting for. See this is what its like at my school, to fit in you either act yourself and if that’s good enough you’re lucky, if not some serious sucking up is to be done. We will write a custom essay sample on She Never Lies or any similar topic only for you Order Now And that’s what Joanne did. I, myself, I’m an outgoing, semi-confident girl and I care about how I look and appear towards others. Basically I just like to have fun. Now Joanne and I are in the same class and have a bit of a giggle now and then. We are essentially best friends. Well we used to be anyway. Right, I’ll start from the beginning; Joanne was just a shy, self-conscious girl who underestimated herself but was perfect how she was because all her friends, including me, loved her very much. Then they came along. Basically they are the other people in our drama club. Most of them are older than we are and most of us have fun and fit in as we are, she would as well if she didn’t think she had to change herself to be ‘accepted’. I’ll explain to you what she does, especially around older guys. See when she’s around guys she forgets that any of her girly friends exist and it’s just like she thinks she doesn’t need us around them, just because she likes being the centre of attention. To get the older girls to like her she sucks up to them as much as she can it’s just unbelievable. We, her original friends, hate the new her, and just cannot stand it. Last week everyone in the drama club were getting all excited because we had been invited to a summer party in the holidays at a guys house. All us girls were planning what to wear and how we should do our hair, blah blah blah, stuff like that. Joanne on the other hand, couldn’t care less about our little girly chats and goes off with the boys yet again, and just abandons us. Now it’s starting to get out of hand. After a few days of being ignored I thought I would stand up to her and calmly explain what she’s done. She denies it all, takes everything I say the wrong way and puts everything out of proportion and turns everything around so that it’s all about her. Which it really isn’t. I just wish that all her ‘new friends’ knew what she was really like and what she says about them behind their backs. I want to tell them all, but they will never believe me. To them, she is innocent. Finally Joanne is not in school, probably ‘ill’. That means that me and my best best mate, Lucy, get to talk to our drama club in private at our last get together before the summer. Sorted. The only problems we could conjure up by doing this is: A – them believing us, and B – them ending up hating us for saying such things about Joanne in the first place. We took that risk and went for it. They didn’t seem too hateful they understood our reasoning, and the fact we have known her for longer and we made a deal. They get her drunk at the party and get it all out of her, if not then we are in for complete humiliation. This will be interesting. The summer was great just my friends and I. Obviously that didn’t include Joanne, she was way too busy ‘doing drama’ or whatever excuse she could think of. We all knew she was with them. In the end, we just didn’t bother calling her to meet up because we knew she would have other arrangements. A few days before the party some of the drama guys asked me, Lucy and some others if we wanted to meet up. They said that it was important plus they hadn’t seen us in ages, but we soon realised that was just a white lie to get us to come out. So naturally we accepted and went to the park. It was fun hanging out with everyone again, Friday was looking better and better to me. After I got home from my fun and exhausting day, I find that I am ambushed by texts and calls from Joanne. She was having a go at me for going out with ‘her’ friends without her. I just ignored her because I thought she was being a bit of a hypocrite to be honest, and by that time I’d had enough. The deal looked more promising by the minute. It’s Friday, and I am so eager for tonight to begin. I manage to control myself and go out shopping for a new outfit with Lucy. Clearly that took us all day, so when I got home it was time to make myself gorgeous. It took me just over an hour to get ready, just in time to leave for the center of town to meet my best guy friend, Craig. Somehow we managed to get a lift from the head of drama club, so we were happy. In the car I was so excited it was unbelievable. Throughout the last few day I have been informing everyone of what happened after I met up with ‘Joanne’s’ friends, they know everything she said. I reckon it’s all on for tonight. Ever since all this Joanne malarkey started, I’ve never been able to understand why she does it. Why she doesn’t just be herself. Whether she’s forgotten her old friends, or just forgotten how she used to be. It just doesn’t make sense. By the time we arrived, Joanne was already there. Laughing, flirting and just being who she wasn’t. I was surprised that she noticed I’d arrived, oh my mistake she hadn’t. The only person she had noticed was Craig, I wanted to hit her so much. When the other girls arrived we decided to spike all her drinks until she blabs, so from then on her drinks weren’t all innocent and clean, they had been spiked. Only with a little alcohol though. Halfway through the night she was completely wasted. This was our opportunity to show everyone what Joanne’s like, and to have our laugh. One person can only do this stunt, and that person was Daniel. Daniel is the best looking guy in our drama club and absolutely every girl at some point in her life will fancy the pants off him, and for Joanne this was the point in her life. Daniel decided to go with the casual approach, and casually asked her what she thought of drama club and everyone at the party. The bomb had been set off. Once she started she couldn’t stop. She thought the girls were bitchy and annoying, and obviously not as good looking as her. The boys were mainly fit but full of themselves and have massive egos. So basically, she doesn’t like anyone there. Although she surprised me when she said the only people she did like were the girls in her year, i.e. my friends and I, and of course she liked Daniel. She explained that she only hung around with the older guys because she was just a tad bit desperate!! I couldn’t wait until the next day. For the next few days I have to say Joanne was hated by nearly everyone. I felt quite bad about what me and Lucy did, telling everyone Joanne was evil. In some ways though I’m happy because she’s started to go back to her old self when she didn’t know the drama club, now everyone gets to be friends with the real her. Not that the older people want to be, that would be just me and the girls. After a month or so the drama club started to warm up to Joanne and her normal self. Future parties will never be able to live up to the drama from that party, it was proper immense. I suppose that’s what drama is all about, isn’t it?! How to cite She Never Lies, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Life Changing Experience Essay Example For Students

Life Changing Experience Essay Life Changing Experience Essay Death. To people it means many different things. Some people may not think anything of it, until it strikes close to them. I know before I had my father pass away, I never thought once about it. When I first heard of my dad dying, it made me way sad. I was ten or eleven, not old enough yet to understand, why someone would want to take their own life. I was crushed when it happened. It was like a part of me was missing, like someone had ripped my heart out and laid a direct attack on me. When I learned he had committed suicide it made me very angry. I kept thinking how could someone do that and hurt his whole family. Especially my brothers and I. My mother could sense that I felt uneasy and drove me. The drive to the newly built high school was just under fifteen minuets away. As we traveled my mother gave me some tips to make it through the day. She told me to introduce myself to my teachers on personal bases, to sit up front and to eat a good lunch. As we arrived at the entrance I felt my breakfast wanting to jump out of my stomach. I was shaking and on the verge of tears. Mother gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead, told me everything was going to be just fine. I jumped out of the car and stood on the sidewalk waving my mother goodbye. I never imagined that, the hug, the kiss and the wave goodbye could possibly be the last ones. The first day of high school went over with a blast. My classes were just fine and my teachers were supreme. Everyone was just so nice and friendly. I only cried once when I couldnt find any of my classes. The bell had rung everyone scattered off to his or her assigned rooms, everyone except me. I was stuck in the middle of the courtyard trying to figure out the school mapping system. Frustrated and embarrassed I broke down in tears and ran to the nearest restroom. The day continued from that point on a happy note. I could not wait to get home to tell my mother all about my day. As the dismissal bell rung, I hurried off to find the right bus to go home. I was frightened that I would get on the wrong bus and end up on the other side of town. Uneasy I asked four different people where bus 647 was parked. As I entered the bus I recognized familiar faces of those from my junior high. Some friendly and some not so nice. I took my place in middle of the bus and glanced out the window watching the trees and cars go by. As the bus grew closer to my stop I became more and more giddy with excitement. I could not wait to tell my mother about my new adventure. As soon as the bus was out of sight, I ran all the way home with a huge smile on my face from ear to ear like a Chester cat. As I ran down the street I noticed shattered pieces of glass all over the road and a chunk on the street lawn missing. It looked as if a huge bull dozer rode through the grass crushing all the beautiful flowers. I dismiss it and continued to run my hardest. MATT FARLEY A5 Essay As I skipped up the drive way, fumbling through my book bag to find my house keys, I noticed that my mothers car was not parked in the drive way. I figured that she had just got it detailed and put it in the garage. My mother was in love with her champagne colored, fully loaded town car. She had it detailed every weekend. I .