Friday, February 28, 2020

The Family and the Dignity of Women Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Family and the Dignity of Women - Assignment Example Human trafficking is a market driven industry whose operation depends on the market principles of supply and demand. The human traffickers generate billions of revenues yearly through victimization acts. 2. Pope Francis (2013) EvangeliiGaudium Ch. II: #66-67;70,74,75;103,104;CH.IV: #211-214. Retrieved from [Accessed 18th January 2015] Pope Francis in chapter two #66-67 points out of the cultural crisis that is facing the family as well as the communities as a whole. He states that the family is the fundamental pillar of the society. Through family, people learn how to live and tolerate each other despite the differences that may be in existence. Pope Francis attributes the crisis that is threatening family bonds to the individualistic lifestyle of the globalized era. In #70, 74 and75, Pope Francis calls for evangelization activities that will put emphasis on new ways of relating to God, to others and the world at large. He also discusses the issue of human trafficking, narcotics trade, exploitation of the minority and other social evils. The Pope advocates for the proclamation of the gospel as a basis of restoring human dignity. He also calls for a change in the family tendency to isolate and protect to that of connection and integration. In #103,104, Pope Francis acknowledges the role of women and their contribution to the society. The pope points out on the unique skills and capabilities many women possess and the contributions they make to the church. He proposes the creation of opportunities that will ensure greater inclusivity of women in the church and pastoral activities. Pope Francis also demands that the legitimate rights of women be respected and that the equality of men and women in the church is paramount. Pope Francis in Chapter IV, #211-214 addresses the issue of human trafficking and the victims of the

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Building organisational capacity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Building organisational capacity - Essay Example This paper analyses the change management program that was implemented at DHADC. Change is inevitable in every organization and it has become one of the necessities for organizations to thrive amidst increasing challenges and varying market conditions. So, DADHC, being no exception, felt the increasing need to adopt a change strategy which would enable it to eliminate the pitfalls that it encounters in delivering superior services to customers and its varied clients (Tebbutt, 2004). Analyzing the overall long-term objectives underlined by the company, it has been found that the company focused on improving and bringing about significant changes in the area of organizational capacity building. Improving this aspect enabled the company to meet its long term objectives of providing better service to its clients, customers and others stake holders. This change strategy was adopted, as it would strengthen the formation of teams and thus help the organization to strive towards its goals in a concerted approach (Tebbutt, 2004). Therefore, the company decided to implement this change strategy in order to improve its present level of effectiveness with regards to the role played by organizational capacity building in enabling the company to achieve its long term objectives. This change strategy was adopted as it would enable the organization to achieve a performance-oriented culture with highly motivated work force and help the organization to render better client satisfaction. This also would lead to the formation of strong team and imbibe the sense of team spirit within the employees. This change strategy would help in building a culture that would increase the levels of services rendered to the customers and add to the good will of the organization (Tebbutt, 2004). As the organization is a service oriented one, therefore it was perceived that this change